Lakhtakia, Ritu2021-08-032021-08-032019-04204-2019.54 Cancer, in common with other life-threatening or life-modifying illnesses, evokes strong psycho-emotional re-actions from patients, their families, and society [1]. Denial is one of the significant reactions both the oncologist and psychologist need to identify and address. This reaction can be salutary when it gives way to acceptance or a strong will to surmount the immediate treatment effects and change attitudes and lifestyle. More often, unfortunately, it can impact adversely, leading to a range of reactions from nonchalance, euphoria, and avoidance of therapy by the patient or caregiver, to depression and reclusive behaviour [2]. As healthcare givers in the hospital or community, recognising and supporting this phase of‘breaking bad news’ can significantly influence outcomes. These poems reflect on the manifold manifestations of denial - in the short term, a panacea; in the long term, a deterrent to recovery or living life with cancer.enCancerDenial in CancerSalutaryDeleteriousDenial in Cancer—Salutary or DeleteriousArticle